Cataract Symptoms-How To Diagnose Them?

Cataract Symptoms-How To Diagnose Them?

Our grandparents have frequently stated that they are unable to read the newspaper. Their blurred vision is bothering them, so they’ve decided to do something about it. This may be due to cataracts. Also, keep in mind that vision blurring that improves with glasses is not a cataract.


The signs and symptoms range from mild to severe. Cataracts can affect people who are 60 years old or older. Blurriness or a cloudy appearance are two of them. Additionally, vision may be hampered at night with extreme sensitivity during the day. To continue your work, you may require brighter lighting. It’s possible that the coloring has faded.

Can cataracts be treated?

Yes, if left untreated, they can become severe, even blinding. They can be treated with surgery if caught early enough. First, you must analyze your symptoms with an expert who will guide you accordingly. Cataracts may appear to be insignificant, but they should not be overlooked.

Causes of cataracts

Our eye is a muscle, just like any other muscle in our body, and it is held in place by muscles. It can also be trained. Yes, your eye doctor prescribed some exercises, which we blatantly disregarded. Our eyes lose their flexibility as we age, and they become thicker. This prevents light from entering the lens, making objects appear blurry.

How does your doctor diagnose cataracts?

Refraction and visual acuity testing: this entails your eye’s ability to detect the sharpness of any object, as well as different patterns of numbers and so on. This will give them an idea of where you are with your vision right now.

Slit-lamp examination: this is the examination of the components of your eyes, including the cornea, iris, and retina, with a microscope to look closely and analyze any minute details.

Retinal examination: Using a slit lamp, your eye doctor will dilute the retina and focus on the optic nerves, check for glaucoma, and look for signs of cataract formation.


Furthermore, aging cataracts may occur due to genetic histories, such as if a close blood relative has a history of the condition or if you have been taking asthma medications for a long time. Cataract symptoms, whatever the cause, must not be overlooked.